Ordinary moments by Edinburgh canal

There are times when I feel as Edinburgh is not my place. I have this fantasy of living in mountains, having small cottage and garden, dog, cats and a duck and maybe even a horse and a cow. I am not a city girl not even a town girl. I left village because there were many things I did not like at a time and I just needed to see the world, expand my horizons. I guess that is quite a common drive of young people and I will never regret I took the leap of faith and just went to see the world.

England. Spain. Czech Republic. Scotland.

Places I lived in and many more where I just visited. But as older I get as less I desire to expand horizons by living in busy places, but rather my attention is drawn to more basic and natural connections.

Edinburgh became my home, but it has been sort of love and hate relationship between us.

It is still a city, loud and much bigger what I have ever been used to. I do not know how to live permanently in a flat and I miss having nature at the door steps.

But there are moments as today when I feel the beauty of the place what Edinburgh certainly has.

Walking by the canal my thoughts just run to a lot of different places. There is a little house for sale just in front of the park and canal. That could be quite nice place to live in even in the city, having green just in front of you. As I walked and fantasised about living in the corner house by the canal I’ve seen in the distance young guy practising some tricks on his bike. There was quite a lot of people around, but no one really paid him attention.

Being the person I am I found this moment fascinating.

I love people doing their stuff, whatever it is, as more creative they are as more I feel emersed in the present moment. I smile, thinking how cool is this, just walking at evening in Edinburgh seeing this young man creating a memory of Edinburgh for me. As if universe listened to my thoughts and wanted to give me another piece of ‘ordinary’ Edinburgh, jut few meters after there was someone else sitting on the bench practicing electric guitar.

The moment became just pure perfection. Two unrelated souls just doing what their heart desired.

I hear music of the cities sometimes.

This was not music in my ears but it was the connection and creation of the city with its people. It is truly hard to put into words, but moments like this one make me connected even to the cities, even if I feel as not belonging in them.