Fairy Hunt

When I moved here what I was most taken by were stories about mythical creatures and fairies srill fairly lalive among the people. They are very proud for this heritage which I find fascinating and somewhat similar to my own culture where many fairy tales about mythical creatures still live among the people. Maybe not in such extend as here yet I remember stories to be told as a child or attending events and festivities closely connected with old traditions.

With all this mythical knowledge once you see the beautiful nature here or wherever else there you can let your imagination go and meet fairy behind the trees.

I have few stories of my own while frowing up. There used to be a tree close to my parent’s field. I spent hours talking to it and back then I believed it is talking back to me. Sounds crazy right? Yet I don´t think it was that crazy at all, because as much I learnt there are different parts of our personalities and probably this one was one of them projected by my ´child me´ into a tree. I gave her even a name – Agatha. It certainly was my good wise fairy always providing comfort and good advice.

My mum taught me hug trees when I was little, because they carry beautiful energy from the source. Every time we would go to the forest she would hug trees I would follow until I entered ´cool´ age and found that to be somewhat crazy. I am realizing just now how much these small rituals meant and how they created my strong connection to life, nature and everything alive.

Walking through a beautiful forest thinking that there are tiny creatures protecting its beauty gives me joy and reassurance that not all is lost yet that nature will always find a way. Little painting I did here inspired by nature was very free flow illustration of possible worries and yet freedom of the fairies. It´s more of a study then final piece yet I enjoyed every second of the painting. Come with me for a little fairy hunt today.

Do you have any fairy stories of your own? I would be happy to hear 🙂

How to boost creative process?

Recently I came across with interesting advice (precisely it was at the channel of this guy), which is ´draw the same thing every day for one year´

It felt resonating. Go have a look for the close explanation, but basically what you need to do is pick one object and draw it every day. Not only your technique will improve this way, but your brain gets used to inspirational process.

Why only one?

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Artist’s journey 2018 came to its end

There is always an end to everything. Time to recollect look back to our steps what we left behind and what we have learnt.

It is new year but I´m not going to write about past year and all those valuable experiences I have learnt. No. I want to talk about my passion which is art. Last year I made a step to get better and started art watercolour course which lasted around three months and I learnt not just about watercolour techniques but about my skills and believes holding me back or intentions pushing me forward.

My intentions originally were to write about every class and techniques I learnt. Life got in the way though and my priorities were somewhere else – in finishing my hypnotherapy qualification (about that maybe some other time) which consumed all my spare time.

What would it be art and paintings without its stories. What would be painting techniques without its purpose?

So this is my journey through my watercolour course which started in September 2018.

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Are you painting amatuer as me? Let´s try some watercolours!

As I mentioned before I have started going to painting classes. This blog is about my journey as a human being but as a possible artist one day as well. I have learnt a lot at these classes. I don´t make usually notes so I have decided I put all the learnt here to remember it.

Pictures won´t be the best. Well I am still in learning process but that is not important. Important is the information I have gathered there which might be useful for you as well.

In this series I am going to talk about WATERCOLOURES. So if you´re a self-thought artist and feel like you need to move forward in your painting practice maybe you can find some hints right here. If you´re very much amateur who has just started or is painting some time but feels like doesn´t really grasp watercolours yet you might find useful info here.

So let´s get to some painting…

Photo we painted from

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Time to get some paid art classes

Yesterday I had my first painting class. I do art about 3 years now, but I am self-thought artist. Well I wouldn´t really call myself an artist yet 🙂

I have started doing art on very strange circumstances. There was a guy of course. I was very much in love with him, but it just wasn´t right timing, maybe we weren´t meant to be for each other. He left thousands miles away and I found it hard to deal with all the emotions. One day I found myself standing in front of the shelf with art supplies in the shop thinking: „what the hell am I doing here? I have no idea about art.“ But I saw how my hand is reaching for brushes and paints. It was just incredible, something what was probably meant to be and I had no control over that. I got home and started painting and I draw and paint since then (with huge gaps sometimes though).

Back to the class now. This is my first time taking paid classes with a tutor and it is gonna be a great experience. On first class I learnt so much, techniques I had no idea about until now and just those simple easy advices opened another door for me when it comes to watercolours.


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I am a Shadow Artist

Do you feel dried of creative energy as me lately? Luckyly I found interstening book Artist´s way from Julia Cameron and hanks to advices inside of the book my lost creativity appeared again and now I paint and draw over nights and play guitar almost daily.

We live in very strange society where is success marked through look, money, fame, property and other touchable things. Unfortunately there is very few who raise their children and mark success through happiness, feeling of fulfilment and so. I am one of those who were raised in society where good life is marked through first group of achievements. Logically support to be an artist has never happened. Unfortunately many artists will never receive critical early encouragement because people and society around them doesn´t support this kind of interest. It is not because they would be mean it is because they were raised very same way and mean good for us to have a ´good life´ forgetting that good life means to do what makes us happy.

Even if we were told ´try it and see what happens´ without support more to the point young artists very often give up their dreams and settling to the world of could-have-beens and regrets. There  caught between the dream of action and the fear of failure, shadow artists are born.

Very often shadow artists who might even have successful life with amazing careers surround themselves by other artists work or even find partners who they support in their artistic career to fulfil their own creative need and dream. Shadow artists are just blocked artists who didn´t allowed to themselves to be what they feel to be.

Very often shadow artists have luck of enough confidence and don´t even take themselves seriously. Every artist needs nurturing and support. Creativity is play, but for shadow artists, learning to allow themselves to play is hard work. They might show their first pictures to judgmental friends or family who even more discourage them. It is some kind of self-masochism.  For all shadow artists, life may be a disconnected experience, filled with a sense of missed purpose and unfilled promise.

I am shadow artist as well. Once as a child told that I can´t draw I abandoned this skill for many years although art and music are two things I admire the most. I remember as a child I admired street artists drawing portraits or selling their beautiful pictures of buildings or nature. It´s been not long since I have started drawing and painting and I am still learning but I am very happy I have managed came back to this abandoned dream from my childhood. Better later then never and who know maybe I will be able over step my shadow one day.


Since ever I remember I always liked making crafty presents for people I like. Since I have started drawing I made couple of birthday/name day  and Christmas postcards. I realized I really like to draw cartoon figures…

Chrismas theme…

birthday/nameday theme…


Eva gets some discipline!

Unfinished painting here, unfinished story there, pale of material to the school, full to do list….OMG I don´t know what to do first. I will watch another part of favourite series. Sometimes I just can´t get discipline myself and end up with new and new ideas but never finishes them. Sounds damiliar?

I realized I need to organise my life a little bit. To not overwhelm myself with big plans I will follow steps of one my friend who basically divides his life to projects which he is completing. I guess I need this idea of projects, although my philosophy is mostly ´go with a flow’. I am very bad in completing things lately so idea of projects what need to be finished is actually very applying for me at the moment.

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Short homeland visit

So I went to Slovakia. The visit I had a bit of straggle with as circumstances to go weren´t the best once. I wasn´t even sure if I want to go as my mind tried to push in worries, worst scenarios and not the nicest memories and feelings. After all that was one amazing week and great escape from past difficult half an year.

In one week I have managed to see my family, have a tea with my grandma under very old walnut tree in the garden help my parents to water plants on the field as visit Bratislava with my aunts and enjoy summer warm evening at my uncle’s garden. That wasn’t the highlight of the week. Main reason I went back to Slovakia was a wedding of my best friend from my childhood. That was epic and amazing and wonderful and so much fun. I met friends I haven´t seen in years what broth so much memories and nostalgic feelings. We danced, we laughed, we made fun of each other as we have never got apart. Sitting with them on the terrace the day after wedding and just talk and laugh about the night before was just amazing and peaceful. I didn´t care anymore who might think what, what I have done wrong or said I have just enjoyed the moment as it was. Actually I have just enjoyed whole week as it was, no resistance, no bad feelings, no guilt, no pride, nothing.

One day I needed to make a trip behind the borders to Czech republic to Breclav. It is small town and capital of Moravia region in Czech republic. There is an old castle surrounded by park so apart of serious staff I needed to sort out that day I found half an hour to make a quick painting of a little bit forgotten but very nice building.


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